Welcome to the Burlington County Radio Club's Parks on the Air (POTA) events page. Here, you'll find information on upcoming and past POTA activations, event summaries, and how you can participate in these exciting outdoor amateur radio activities.

Parks on the Air Logo

Parks on the Air (POTA) is an amateur radio program that encourages ham radio operators to operate portable equipment from designated parks around the world. The initiative aims to promote outdoor activity and awareness of protected areas while also fostering a global community of radio enthusiasts. POTA has grown in popularity due to its accessible nature, offering both new and experienced operators the chance to explore radio communications in diverse natural settings. It combines the thrill of making contact with distant operators with the enjoyment of the great outdoors, providing a unique blend of technical challenge and environmental appreciation. Participants not only get to practice their radio skills in various conditions but also contribute to a larger sense of community and shared adventure, making POTA a beloved activity among ham radio operators globally.

Rules, history and information can be found at POTA’s official website: https://parksontheair.com/

Interested in joining our next POTA activation?

  1. Sign up for a POTA account at www.parksontheair.com
  2. Become familiar with POTA’s rules and procedures for park activating as described on their website.
  3. Check our calendar for upcoming POTA events.
  4. Come out (with or without your radio gear) and join us in the field!

Our next Parks on the Air (POTA) will be announced soon!

Event Details:

  • Location:tbd
  • Date:tbd
  • Time:tbd
  • Meeting Point:tbd
  • Cost:tbd
  • Details:   COMING SOON!

Remember, if it's raining out this weekend, you can go out next weekend. Work on the weekends ?? then go out on a Tuesday or Wednesday. On vacation or a business trip in a different state, take your radio with you and get in a couple of hours at a different state park. You don't have to wait for the contest to start because POTA is not a contest -- it's more like operating a special event station.

Philmont Radio Club is close to us and also does POTA. Check them out too!

Past POTA Events

(Documenting our POTA activities is NEW to us!!! Tell us what you think!)
Park NumberEvent
US-5000January 1 2024 New Year's Pota
US-1629March 30 2024 at Rancocas State Park
April 13 2024 at Batsto Village (Invitation)

Summary: April 13 2024 at Batsto Village (Summary)
US-5000July 7th 2024 at the Carranza Memorial in Tabernacle has been canceled due to safety concerns related to excessive temperatures and forest fires in the area.