In Person Meetings

The Burlington County Radio Club meets on the 3rd Monday of every month at:

Lord of Life Lutheran Church
1 Winchester Court
Tabernacle, NJ 08088

The meeting starts at 7:00 pm and social half-hour starts at approximately 7:30 to 7:45 (immediately after the meeting)

ATTENTION NEW HAMS: Someone is available to answer questions. We can also try to help you out with your current handheld transceiver (HT). Make a point to raise your questions during the regular meeting or Zoom call to get them addressed.

Visitors are always welcome!

On the Air Meetings

K2TD VHF Net: Join us every Sunday at 7:00 pm on the Burlington County ARES/RACES repeater (147.15 +0.6 pl 127.3)
  • This net serves as a weekly check-in and information sharing session for all members and interested amateurs.
  • Access is easy with an HT and that is all the radio you need. Those new technician licensees with a small hand held radio can easily join the net. Check-in is easy; when you hear net control call for check-ins just say your call and name. This is an excellent way to start cultivating your Emergency Communications (EmComm) skills, too!
UHF Digital Net - COMING SOON!

Our club is hoping to start a digital net. Please stay tuned.

Check our full calendar for more nets and club events. We encourage participation from all interested amateurs!