Welcome to the New Jersey QSO Party (NJQP)

Sponsored by the Burlington County NJ Radio Club - K2TD

NJ State flag

This page serves as your gateway to all things related to the NJ QSO Party, including detailed information about the contest, rules, registration, and how you can join amateur radio operators across New Jersey in this thrilling on-air competition. Whether you're aiming for the top spot or simply looking to participate and have fun, you'll find everything you need right here to get started.

The 2025 NJ QSO Party (NJQP)

Mark your calendars for the New Jersey QSO Party, an exciting on-air event hosted by the Burlington County Radio Club! The contest will offer amateur radio operators a thrilling opportunity to showcase their skills.

Event Details:

  • Date: Saturday September 20th 2025
  • Start Time: 10:00 AM NJ Local Time (1400 UTC)
  • End Time:10:00 PM NJ Local Time (0200 UTC on Sunday Sept. 21nd)

A Huge Thank You to our Awards Sponsors

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all our plaque sponsors for their generosity and support. Your contributions greatly enhance the spirit of the contest.

  • SNJ ARRL Section for sponsoring the top scoring SNJ plaque
  • NNJ ARRL Section for sponsoring the top scoring NNJ plaque
  • W2ZQ DVRA for sponsoring the "Out of NJ plaque"

All New Jersey Counties Initiative

The Worked All New Jersey Counties initiative is a thrilling challenge for amateur radio enthusiasts aiming to establish communication with fellow operators in each of New Jersey's 21 counties. Sponsored by the Morris Radio Club, this endeavor not only encourages the exploration of amateur radio's capabilities but also fosters a sense of community among participants. For more details on how to participate and log your contacts, visit the Morris Radio Club's official website at www.morrisradioclub.org. This event is a perfect opportunity for both seasoned and novice radio operators to enhance their skills, broaden their networks, and achieve a remarkable feat in the world of amateur radio.

For more information about the All New Jersey Counties initiative, visit the Morris Radio Club.

For more information about the NJ QSO Party, or to Sponsor an award, feel free to contact our NJQP chair.